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Introductory Lecture:

Theoretical introduction into the course of "International Trade Strategies", presents building block of the course. Understanding the basic theories and principles behing world trade and trade strategies makes easier to grasp the importance of EU trade strategy in 21st century.  

Guest Lecture, May 2014:

Focus of the lecture was importance of regional trade agreements as an instrument in achieving EU trade goals. Emphasise was given to Rules of Origin being important part of EU trade agreements.

Guest Lecture, June 2015:

Focus of the lecture were "new generation" free trade agreements that EU began to sign after 2006 (first one with South Korea), which represent important change in the way EU is treating its new trade partners and Third countries.

Guest Lecture, April 2016:

Again, as in 2014, this Lecture was about the importance of RTA for bosting trade between Member Countries as well as the importance of the Rules of Origin and the different kinds of cumulation (bilateral, diagonal, full) on the trade within the trading block as well as on the trade with Third countries. 

Final Debate, May 19, 2016:

On Thursday, May 19, Final Debate was organises, where students from the Faculty of Economics Rijeka had an opportunity to listen about the EU trade strategy and trade policy in general, but also an interesting presentation from the representative of the international company Vargon, d.o.o.

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